An incredibly accurate description of what happens around us every day, thanks to the author Like 9353
The author raises really important questions that concern absolutely each of us today Like 6414
It is difficult to disagree with the author when he describes our reality so accurately Like 7360
This post is definitely worth showing to everyone who is interested in this topic Like 5503
The author touched on exactly those issues that worry most thinking people now Like 8204
The more information a person learns about the world, the more they realize how much is still unknown Like 4086
Service as Pace Car for the 1966 Indy 500 (with Benson Ford at the helm) and an award from Super Stock magazine as "performance car of the year" weren't helping at the showroom.
I completely share the author's opinion and believe that this needs to be talked about much more often Like 5822
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Thank you to the author for that you weren't afraid to raise such a complex and important topic Like 5817
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